can you add Jobs/part-time job which we can spent extra energy, something like mission but use energy instead of stamina. sometime energy are not enough to kill a boss or when i don't want to fight other player while waiting for cash, avoid rival list which will make me lose money soon, i can do some job/part-time job.
it can be few type: legal job/ illegal job/time
1. legal job will give more exp, less money
2. illegal job will give less exp, more money
3. some job (maybe part-time task/over-time) can be counted per click (like mission)
4. some job (maybe part time job) can be counted per hour like operation/turf.
5. some job (maybe full-time job) can be apply and stop, or on and off. it will consume certain amount of energy per hour , for example 5-8 or 10-12 hours every 24 hour.
this jobs will overall gives returns equal to what current missions will give. probably.
like to have a 'fight another' button, even if i won a player. so, i can choose to fight another player faster and feel more easy and friendly to fight other player whether i won or lose a fight.
T-Mo Aikawa
can you add Jobs/part-time job which we can spent extra energy, something like mission but use energy instead of stamina. sometime energy are not enough to kill a boss or when i don't want to fight other player while waiting for cash, avoid rival list which will make me lose money soon, i can do some job/part-time job.
it can be few type: legal job/ illegal job/time
1. legal job will give more exp, less money
2. illegal job will give less exp, more money
3. some job (maybe part-time task/over-time) can be counted per click (like mission)
4. some job (maybe part time job) can be counted per hour like operation/turf.
5. some job (maybe full-time job) can be apply and stop, or on and off. it will consume certain amount of energy per hour , for example 5-8 or 10-12 hours every 24 hour.
this jobs will overall gives returns equal to what current missions will give. probably.
like to have a 'fight another' button, even if i won a player. so, i can choose to fight another player faster and feel more easy and friendly to fight other player whether i won or lose a fight.
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